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Polymer processing company JSC “ITERUM” has received platinum assessment in the Sustainability Index Assessment 2024 organised by the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Accountability. Four companies of “Eco Baltia” Group applied for participation in the assessment, and all four received awards.
“The mission of our company is creation of sustainable future, and participation in the Sustainability Index gives us an opportunity to not only assess our achievements but also to learn and develop. The platinum assessment achieved in the third year of participation shows that we have taken significant steps to strengthen our position as a responsible and sustainable company. We will continue active work towards ability of our activities to affect environmental protection and public welfare,” says Jūlija Zandersone, Chairwoman of the Board JSC “ITERUM”.
This was the third time that “ITERUM” participated in the Sustainability Index Assessment organised by the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Accountability, receiving the high assessment in platinum category. Previously the company had received silver and gold award, yet the work of the company towards sustainability over the last year has significantly increased its position in the assessment top. Last year, the company introduced several novelties in its day-to-day business, improving its working environment, effective use of internal processes, and so has significantly influenced the results in the assessment of Sustainability Index.
Last year, the company moved its administration and production premises to the new factory in Olaine. When constructing the new plant, comfort of employees and facilitation of mutual integration were greatly considered. During the last year, the company also cared for wellbeing of its staff, improving the basket of benefits available to the employees, organising internal events of “ITERUM”, and ensuring participation in events organised by Eco Baltia Group of companies to promote the sense of belonging and mutual integration at the Group level. The company’s governance model was also strengthened last year, and internal documentation procedures were updated, including also improvements to business partner assessment procedures and cyber security procedure. Fire safety training was organised to improve the understanding of staff on safety, ensuring practical fire extinguishing and evacuation training. Consequently, ISO 45001:2018 certificate on occupational safety and occupational health management system was also first received last year.
When improving the public understanding on circular economy, the interested persons were provided with an option of a guided tour in the premises of the plant. Visitors from various organisations and interest groups have used this option last year, and they were able to observe a full cycle of plant operation from a PET bottle to a packaged end product. During year of 2025, the company will continue working on making the factory premises accessible to a broader circle of interested parties to be able to provide for visits and educational tours for school children.
This year, four companies of Eco Baltia Group applied for participation in the assessment, and all four received awards. LTD Eco Baltia vide and JSC “ITERUM” received platinum assessment, but LLC Siguldas pilsētas “JUMIS” and LLC “Nordic Plast” received assessment in gold category. Eco Baltia vide takes part in the Sustainability Index assessment for the third successive year; it has been the third year of participation for “ITERUM” as well, but LLC Nordic Plast and LLC Siguldas pilsētas “JUMIS” participated for the first time in the Sustainability Index assessment organised by the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.
Sustainability Index is a strategic management tool based on internationally recognised methodology. It is an excellent control mechanism helping the companies in Latvia assess sustainability of their activities and the level of corporate responsibility. Participation in the Sustainability Index proves courage and transparency, while at the same time it shows commitment to improving performance in relation to environment and people, promoting development in the industry and national sustainability.